How Can We Help You?
Helping Hands Program
Siskiyou Habitat for Humanity has a program focused on providing repair and repainting services for low income homeowners. If you are interested in applying for a Helping Hands services please click here to see if you qualify or contact the office at (530) 938-2612 to talk about how we can help.
You may also fill out a Complete Application. Please return all applications to: PO Box 1482 Yreka CA 96097
We have a new program!
Friends in Need
Our new program addresses our community members that do not meet the requirements for our Helping Hands Program and that would benefit from an item or items in our warehouses.
Please consider filling out the Application for Goods and sending it to us at PO Box 1482 Yreka CA 96097 or by email to You may also attach the form to our Contact form here.
If you have questions you are welcome to call us at (530) 938-2612 or 530-459-8060 (warehouse).
Habitat for Humanity provides low-income families with a low cost home and a zero interest loan,
giving them a hand-up, not a handout.
New Home
At this time Siskiyou Habitat for Humanity is currently not accepting new home applications. Once we complete our current projects we will post our application. However you can review the information below that explains our process.
Families are selected on 3 criteria:
- Need – Present housing situation is overcrowded meaning there may be more than 2 children per bedroom, adults sharing rooms with children, or children of different sex sharing a room. Current housing might be substandard meaning there are problems with maintenance and repairs. Low-income families are those who make less than 60% of the Area Median Income. To view income requirements, see the chart below:
Family Size Annual Income
1 ————–$12,050 – $32,100
2————– $13,800 – $36,700
3—————$15,500 – $41,300
4 ————–$17,200 – $45,850
5 ————–$18,600 – $49,550
6—————$20,000 – $53,200
7 ————–$21,350 – $56,900
8 ————–$22,750 – $60,550
- Ability to Pay – Applicants should have a history of timely payments and a stable work history.
- Willingness to Partner – Applicants must be willing to complete 500 hours of sweat equity per adult and accept homeowner education requirements.
Selection Process
1. Complete the Pre-Application Qualification.
2. Submit to Habitat for Humanity of Siskiyou County.
3. Habitat will send you a letter letting you know if you qualify.
4. If you do, your information will be kept on record until the next round of applications are accepted.
5. We will contact you to let you know it is time to complete an application.
6. We will hold a Mandatory Orientation. Here you will learn about the qualifications, the process, and we will answer your questions. We will also help you complete the application.
7. Complete an application and submit with supporting documentation.
8. Our Family Selection Committee will select families for Home Visits. If you are not selected for a Home Visit, you will receive a letter within 30 days of the application deadline.
9. After Home Visits are completed, the Selection Committee recommends a family to the Board of Directors.